Words have (almost) always played a large part in my art projects. Recently, I have started sharing them on their own, in stories, poems, essays and pieces that sit somewhere between all of these genres. I write both in English (sometimes) and in my mother tongue, Dutch (most often). I have published my written work on the following platforms and magazines: De Gids, Tirade, Hollands Maandblad, De Revisor, Deus Ex Machina, Liter, Op Ruwe Planken, Mister Motley, Papieren Helden, Simulacrum, Samplekanon, Paratext, Samfiftyfour, Tijdschrift Ei, Seizoenszine, Tubelight & Kunstenfestival Watou. I have read my texts on the stages of Perdu, Amsterdam & Veenfabriek, Leiden.
Here’s a few links to pieces that were published online:
Sneeuw in zee on De Revisor (prose/poetry)
Waar gevaar begint & Bedding on De Gids (prose)
Doodvissen on Samplekanon (poetry)
De grens tussen moeder en maker is flinterdun – over slaapliedjes als dragers van duisternis & Lezenkijken of kijkenlezen – over de poëtische ruimte tussen beeld en tekst on Mister Motley (essay)
De deur & Rare vrouw & Het verhaal van een ander on Papieren Helden (prose)
De magie of het begrijpen on Tubelight (essay)
Drie gedichten on Tijdschrift Ei (poetry)
A story of mine in De Gids, 2022
A fragment of my poem Doodvissen in Literair Tijdschrift Liter, Brood, 2021
Happily standing next to my poem De elandenjacht which was placed in the Belgian landscape during Kunstenfestival Watou, 2021