she gave the photographs what they wanted
This performance was made especially for my exhibition I see you are not there at Beautiful Distress House. There was a glass table in the middle of the space. I took texts from their places; from the walls, the shelves, the book tables. Empty spaces appeared in the exhibition. I collected this material on the glass table. Then I read fragments out loud. In this manner I connected a dialogue that occured in a psychiatric instution (from Zolang je niet zo over problemen praat...) with an observation on the similarties between photography and timetravel (from father, sleeper), continuing with a piece on pain (in pain). All projects were woven together, thus forming a collage in which mourning, fear, confusion, pain and illness collided. At a certain point I sang part of a song that I wrote in connection to the work. Later I took the photograph from father, sleeper and handed it to a visitor. The exhibition was voiced, woken and entangled.
photography, words, song
duration: 20 minuten